hive mind
Hive Mind is an ongoing, community driven art installation and research project.
The recurring aspects of the work are the creation of sculptural forms from copper wire through community workshops and the collection of diverse voices and ideas through audio recordings. These two components are then installed into a touch sensitive sound installation where audio is triggered simply by touching the artwork.
“It’s like plugging into the universe and hearing everyone’s secrets.”
The project explores our experiences of being human - our worries and concerns as well as our hopes and dreams. It is about the big and little questions whispered in our minds, the ones with no clear or simple answers and the ones we tend to push to the side and forget about.
“What an innovative, beautiful thing. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Planting Festival 2015
Woodford Folk Festival 2015/16
The Murri School 2017
State Library of Queensland 2017
Milpera State High School 2018
Caboolture Montessori School 2018