the music box
“This is AMAZING! What a great way to make music! A beautiful musical bird aviary. Thank you!”
“Connection between colour and sound a great way to teach children about music. Just fantastic.”
“Beautiful and educational. Great program for adults and kids alike.”
Designed as a collaborative musical instrument, The Music Box was a hugely successful interactive installation that combined art, music and technology. More than 6000 people visited over the 12 days it was installed at the State Library of Queensland and approximately 2500 mobiles were made.
Inspired by the ongoing fascination with the relationship between music and colour, The Music Box used Makey Makey technology to transform user-contributed mobiles into a fully functioning midi-piano where each colour represented a different musical note. Music was produced when participants touched the mobiles - a surprising effect that was popular with all ages, from babes in arms to teenagers and grandparents.