Using technology to enhance communnication and sharing

Get ready to boost the way you support communication and language development in the classroom with this innovative technology project. Using a simple STEM kit, teachers will learn how to create interactive show and tell displays that showcase children’s voices, thinking and ideas. Enhance documentation practices and impress families with an interactive capture of the diverse teaching and learning happening in your classroom.

This professional development is suitable for kindergartens engaged in Kindy Uplift, early learning centres, schools, libraries and anyone interested in creating interactive projects that showcase stories, language or sound.

How it works

  • Artefacts such as photos, artworks and found objects are stuck onto the project board.

  • Associated audio recordings with explanations, vocabulary, stories and songs are uploaded to the touch board.

  • The audio is played through speakers or headphones when the buttons on the board are pressed.

Example projects include:

  • The lifecycle of caterpillars and butterflies. Includes photos of children actiing out stages in lifecycle, descriptions of what happens at each stage/ what they did in the classroom, diagrams and drawings, special vocabulary and songs, counting and other mathematical concepts such as size comparisons, symmetry or patterns.

  • Our families. Engage families by inviting them to narrate a photo of a weekend/holiday activity, what they do to celebrate a particular holiday, favourite recipes, sharing songs, sharing language: say hello or welcome in different languages.

  • Lanugage learning. Harness repetition by recording the vocabulary you are focussing on. This could be a for a specific project eg. cooking, science, math OR to learn lanugages other than english including First Nations languages.


You will learn how to:

  • record and edit audio

  • assemble and operate the touchboard kit

  • pedagogical considerations

  • ins and outs of planning and delivering this kind of project in the classroom.


  • Touchboard kits are $350 each.

  • Once the board is set up it is reusable and can be changed over the course of the year.

  • If you have multiple classrooms or class groups, you may like to have one kit per class.

  • Participants will need access to a laptop for use in coaching sessions and to enable functionality of STEM kit.

  • Travel costs will need to be added for centres outside of Brisbane.

  • Costs below are 'per centre' and inclusive of all staff at that centre. I am not registered for GST so no GST applies.

 Package 1: 2 hour PD Workshop $990 (in person or online)

  • Hands on session to learn how to use technology

  • Planning for teaching and learning

  • Option to add in classroom collaboration (create 1st project together - $550) or further online coaching ($300 per session)


Package 2: Coaching plus In Classroom Collaboration $1600 (combination of in person and online)

  • Week 1: 1 hour intro and planning (online)

  • Week 2: Collaborative in classroom collaboration session - create 1st project together (face to face)

  • Week 3: Follow up and future planning (online)


To book, please email with your selected package, number of people participating and preferred dates/ availability. I look forward to hearing from you!



Hive mind

In this project, a giant vine made of wire flowers and leaves tells stories of hope and wonder.


Part aquarium and part musical instrument, these sonic goldfish were full of musical ideas.